Pledge by Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scout Tree Promise
Total Trees Pledged: 5,000,000Supporting actions: Nursery Development, Environmental Education,
Starting April 2021, the Girl Scouts of the USA, in partnership with the Elliot Wildlife Values Project and American Forests is setting a goal to plant 5 million trees in five years. Girl Scouts across the nation and even the world, from Daisies to Ambassadors, adult members and partners, every member and friend of the Movement is asked to join.
Why 5 million? 5 million trees will provide habitat for wildlife and capture and store over 2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide over the next 50 years. This is equivalent to taking 425,000 cars off the road for a year, eliminating the annual carbon emissions from 239,000 homes, or not charging 255 billion smartphones.
Since 1912, Girl Scouts have had a special place in their hearts for caring for the environment, beginning with our founder, Juliette Gordon Low. The Girl Scout Promise and Law encourage us to “use resources wisely” and “to make the world a better place.” The Girl Scout Tree Promise is our longstanding commitment to protect the future of our planet for generations to come.
Elliott Wildlife Values Project
American Forests
Trees: 5,000,000
Girl Scouts will plant 5 million trees, protect newly planted trees and existing tree cover, engage virtually with citizen science projects across the globe and honor trees on our camp properties that hold special meaning.
Girl Scout councils across the country will host in-person and virtual tree planting events, including some with the support of community organizations like American Forests.
2,000,000 MT CO2e