Pledge by Viridis Terra
Project Muyuychi - Restoring Peruvian Amazon in partnership with communities
Total Trees Pledged: 1,638,780Supporting actions: Nursery Development, Data and Technological Tools, Science and Technical Assistance, Forest Product Markets and Innovation, Workforce Development, Environmental Education, Conservation Finance,
Viridis Terra International has assembled a multidisciplinary, innovative, and experienced team specializing in ecosystem restoration and sustainable management to fight the global problem of land degradation and climate change.
Our first IFLR Project will be conducted in Peru, a country with more than 1.5 million hectares of land degraded by subsistence agriculture, commodity production, and timber harvesting deemed a high priority by the Peruvian government in Ucayali, Huanuco, San Martin, and Loreto. Viridis Terra selected Peru, and its Amazonian Regions for its market maturity and the sophisticated web of private, civil, and public partners mobilized around forest restoration.
The Project is named by the Andean word "Muyuychi" meaning, the balance between body and mind, equilibrium between humans and planet. The Muyuychi concept evokes the convergence with Viridis Terra’s mission: balanced, lasting, and positive benefits for all.
Viridis Terra opened its Peruvian subsidiary in early 2019, investing and housing a multidisciplinary team dedicated to the Project. The in-country team has established relationships with more than 1000 degraded landholders in the Ucayali, Huánuco, San Martin, and Loreto regions for a potential of more than 23 000 hectares of degraded lands giving access to US$ 135 M of potential investments.
Within the next two years, Viridis Terra plans to restore at least 3,000 hectares in Peru's first phase of its activities in 2021-2022, then up to 15,000 hectares/year for the second phase in 2023-2024 and up to 100,000 hectares/year for its third phase of activities in 2025+. Activities to restore the first 100 hectares and protect another 100 hectares started in June 2021 after investing more than 2M $ to prove the concept and technological package and creating more than 40 technico-financial restoration and management models of new forest and agroforest systems.
TreesOfLives Investment (investment vehicle product as LPs created by Viridis Terra)
BCF, Deloitte and Cape Cove (Legal, fiscal, and exempt market dealer partners)
NEL-I (Carbon Market Expert)
INTERCORP / INTERBANK (Local commercial bank and corporation supporting the project)
COCOMAR (Nature-positive commodities buyers)
CANDELA (Nature-positive commodities buyers)
WAWASANA (Nature-positive commodities buyers)
Tree Global (Supplier of seedling growing systems and technologies)
Symbiotech Research (Viridis Terra is currently acquiring this biofertilizers companies)
Reforesta Peru (site preparation and tree outplanting operations)
SERFOR (Ministry of Forest collaborating with us to prioritize restoration activities based on Government objectives)
MINAM (Ministry of Environment)
INVIERTE Peru (Funding from the Government of Peru in progress)
COFIDE (Local development bank expected to support the project)
Conservation International (International NGO partner working with indigenous communities in Alto Mayo) with USAID and their platform ADELA (we received a commitment of 3 M USD grant to derisk our Peruvian project).
SOCODEVI (International NGO partner working with associations (ex:coop) and local farmers to address capacity building and social training)
DEVIDA (More than 40 years of local development knowledge without illicit products)
Universidad La Molina
Universidad San Marcos
Universidad San Martin
INIA (Research center in Ucayali/Huanuco)
CEPIAGRY (Research center in Loreto)
Acres: 2,210 / Trees: 2,145,146
Acres: 5,190 / Trees: 1,149,360
The TreesOfLives AI-based platform supports an investor’s portal within which financial, carbon, biodiversity and 2-3 KPIs of all of the 17 SDGs metrics are measured, implemented, and shared. We use monitoring, remote sensing, and geo-traceability technologies to manage data and remotely track the execution status, the socio-economic and ecological inventories, operations, production and sale of the project's outputs. Through our platform TreesOfLives, we monitor field activities and progress using a mix of satellite, drone, and field surveys for quality control. The data is available in a transparent manner and accessible to all stakeholders on the TreesOfLives platform, including landholders.
Through the platform, we can follow all of the landholder relationships being established, developed and managed. We measure the co-benefits of our project by following not only our but communities’ revenue streams during the duration of our long-term partnership, ensuring that all carbon removed is permanent through sustainable development approaches and optimization of social and governance impacts.
A fundamental feature of Viridis Terra’s model: Ownership of the land remains with current landholders and the choice of forest/agroforest systems to be established according to land use capacity. Viridis Terra provides implements (tools, inputs, biotechnologies, etc.), technological and technical support. The landholder partner, workforce and stewardship.
Another important feature of the model consists in the establishment of a permanent “Information/Formation Program” and demonstration center which address: (1) Technical training promoting best 3R practices and familiarizing landholders with our approaches; (2) Contextual training with information on CC and related issues and the context of the contribution of the community to local, regional, continental and global challenges; (3) Needs-based training tailored to issues of direct concern and benefit to the community and its members; (4) Last but not least, capacity building focusing on local institutional development (associations, cooperatives, etc.) enhancing individuals’ and community’s self-reliance management capacities.
Our business model creates economic benefits for all stakeholders with multiple revenues streams allowing us to transform the cost of restoration/reforestation and carbon offsetting into an impact investment generating returns while establishing sustainably managed resilient multifunctional healthy forest/agroforest landscapes.
Capital for restoration activities comes from TreesOfLives. About 40% of capital is used for cutting-edge biotechnology production, restoration and reforestation operations, capacity building, technical assistance. About 56% of capital is used as PES incentives to landholders to ensure they live well, managing their new forests/agroforests sustainably until the project reaches profitability. About 4% is kept as reserve to replace losses caused by extreme climatic or other unforeseen events. Each landholder receives between 50,000$-500,000$ as initial capital invested depending on land size and chosen systems.
To receive TreesOfLives’ support, landholders commit to sharing about 50-50 net profits from the sale of nature-positive commodities until the end, first full rotation, grant co-rights on tree biological assets while keeping full land ownership and grant 70% of total carbon offset credits generated to TreesOfLives for the first 30 years after restoration. In addition, the project includes nature-positive commodities (timber, agrifood and medicinal products, energy wood) and potentially biodiversity offset credits as additional revenue streams. These additional revenue streams, especially nature-positive commodities, are significant to ensure the project is sustainable, creating enough value for landholders to become good stewards of the new forests and agroforests, biodiversity created, and permanent carbon removed into soil and biomass.
We jointly developed a land-based plan between our experts and landholders drawing on “technical-financial” models (some 40 based on different forest/agroforest systems and expected revenues carefully selected by landholders) predeveloped by Viridis Terra based on internal know-how and scientific/local data/knowledge.
A fundamental feature of VTI’s model: Ownership of the land remains with current landholders and the choice of forest/agroforest systems (from 40 pre-defined choices) to be established according to land use capacity. The partnership is based on fair/balanced contracts outlining the duties and responsibilities of the Parties, including the jointly developed land-based plan. VTI provides implements (tools, inputs, biotechnologies, etc.), technological and technical support. The landholder partner, workforce and stewardship.
Community engagement is central to our project. Once landholders have been identified and are willing to work with us, ongoing dialogue is established and maintained to assess their needs and wishes regarding the development of their land. With their help, we jointly design a land-use plan that fits the specific capacity of their land while addressing its integration into the landscape.
By addressing such issues in this structured way (agreed land-based plan and permanent institutional support), greater integration is achieved, and a sense of community is developed around the given project. Institutions are thus likely to mature, thrive and create opportunities for individuals and the community to develop beneficial projects better tailored to individual and community needs.
Over 2,000,000