1t.org US Impact Report

Since its inception at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in January 2020, the 1t.org platform has made remarkable progress toward our collective goal to conserve, restore and grow one trillion trees by 2030.  

As the first regional chapter to launch, 1t.org US has served as an innovator and example of the capacity of what can happen when nonprofits, corporations and governments come together. We take pride in the ambition and achievements of the leaders of this community who have embraced the challenge and joined.

With that in mind, we are pleased to present to you our first 1t.org US Impact report. This report is the first of its kind among 1t.org chapters and measures the real, trackable progress of pledge entities toward our trillion tree goal.

The collective impact is estimated at 1,342,487,126 trees restored and growing, along with an additional 113,948 hectares conserved. These figures stem from reported pledge implementation and impact spanning from January 1, 2020, to December 31, 2022. 

Download the report here.