Pledge by National Forest Foundation
50 Million for Our Forests
Total Trees Pledged: 42,400,000Supporting actions: Sustainable Forestry, Nursery Development, Science and Technical Assistance,
America is blessed with a stunning diversity of National Forests. From urbanites in big cities to families in rural towns, we are all connected to our forests. Forests play a critical part to keep our environment healthy. Our forests are the most efficient natural system for pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. This means that healthy forests are a powerful tool for mitigating and adapting to climate change. But our forests need us more than ever – more than 1 million acres of your National Forests are in need of reforestation. Natural disturbances such as wildfire, insects and disease outbreaks are jeopardizing the very things that make our forests so wonderful.
That’s why we're planting 50 million trees across our National Forests as part of our 50 Million for our Forests campaign. We invite all Americans – businesses and individuals alike – to join us as we replant America’s National Forests. We make it easy – $1 plants one native tree on a National Forest in need of reforestation. And, for every $1 we invest in reforestation, the U.S. Forest Service provides $2 of value in project support and implementation.
The NFF is the only Congressionally-chartered organization solely focused on our 193 million acres of our National Forests. From longleaf pine forests in Florida to the high alpine whitebark pine forests of the West, we’re planting millions of trees every year. We plant trees in areas that have experienced a natural disturbance and only plant native species picked by U.S. Forest Service professionals. We only plant on the most severely impacted forests where seedlings are unable to sprout on their own. Wildfire isn’t the only reason for reforestation on National Forests. Our projects also support recovery from insect and disease outbreaks and severe weather events, in addition to native species expansion. Reforestation helps improve the quality of outdoor recreation for the estimated 160 million National Forest visits per year. In 2019, the NFF funded 35 reforestation projects, planting 44 different tree species and reforesting 18,000 acres in 18 states.
The National Forest Foundation’s primary partner is the U.S. Forest Service. Periodically, the NFF may partner with other local or regional organizations (Longleaf Alliance, Green Forests Work and New Mexico University) on tree planting projects where relevant and efficient. The vast majority of our reforestation efforts are executed by the U.S. Forest Service and always occur on U.S. National Forests.
Trees: 42,400,000
Trees: 42,400,000
Sustainable Forestry: We implement sustainable forestry projects that improve forest resilience and decrease the likelihood of unnaturally severe wildfires.
Nursery Development: The NFF currently supports U.S. Forest Service nurseries through reimbursable agreements, and has also made grants to Northern Arizona University to help develop their nursery capacity for reforestation projects.
Science and Technical Assistance: The NFF has several staff that are trained in tools like Forest Vegetation Simulator(FVS) and have professional experience working in the carbon market and on carbon project development.
Tree Protection Through Tree Management: NFF has provided funding for reforestation projects on National Forests for purposes beyond just planting seedlings. Actions include funding elk exclosures on southwestern National Forests to reduce tree mortality due to browsing on regenerating aspen stands.
The National Forest Foundation is proud to partner with the U.S. Forest Service, the most advanced forest management agency in the world. Their data and science based approach is proven for restoring forests in need and maintaining forest health. More here:
21,200,000 MT CO2e